Monday, May 30, 2011

True Blood Land of the Fae or something more...Sinister????

 Doucheland, Summerland, Ferngully, Fairytown, Faeville, I am sure there are others but I cannot name them all. It has been called many a thing but I will stick with my personal favorite, Doucheland. Come on, it does look like something out of a Summer's Eve commercial.  

Sookie arrives with Claudine via the 'light' underneath a tree of, you guessed it, 'light' fruit or lumiers. *shrugs because I could care less about the spelling* Sookie steps into a world unlike she has ever seen before.  Everyone is just so cheerful and oh so excited. Way too cheerful and way too excited.  Sookie learns that Claudine is her fairy Godmother, whom she proceeds to tell, "If your job is to look after me, can I just say, you suck"? Imitating Lafayette: "Go on Sookie, with our bad, snarky ass self" *flips hair* 


Who should Sookie see next but an old friend from her days in Dallas. Barry, the bellboy, whom we last seen being thrown out a hotel room door by Bill, after he was bit by Lorena. Coincidence? I think not. Seems Barry has a fairy God 'mother' all his own, by the name of  Lloyd. Yes, that's right, he's a dude, who's a god, who's a mother! It must be Barry's lucky day! 


The two God'mothers' leave the duo to talk and Barry seems to think he has only been there a few minutes when Sookie asks. Not blood likely, Barry. Along comes a woman with a bowl of 'light' fruit and offers them each one. They each take one but Sookie is hesitant when she sees how everyone is reacting to the fruit. I will show you rather than tell you my opinion on this particular piece of fruit. Our Sook is growing up!

While Sookie is looking around at the people eating the 'fruit of light", she spots a familiar face, Gary Cole , I mean Granddaddy Earl, chomping on his piece of de'light". Naturally, she wonders right over,I mean who wouldn't? Sookie: "Grandaddy Earl, it's me Sookie" (cue flashback scene) He told her he just saw her last week! Say what, Granddaddy Earl!

She informed him, "Granddaddy Earl, that was twenty years ago" Poor Granddaddy Earl, he looks as if he is finally waking up from a long, long dream. Sookie, if I were you I would run for the nearest exit or better yet seek out 'Glenda the good witch of the North' to zap you right out of there with the help of some ruby slippers, because you sure as hell are not in Bon Temps anymore. There is something rotten in the state of Doucheland!
   Sookie chanting: "There's no place like Bon Temps, there's no place like Bon Temps, there's no place like Bon Temps" 

muchs thank for the screencaps                               


  1. Dance Lloyd dance, I bet if they pan down he has fairyland dollar bills in his gstring.

  2. LMAO I so want to know what fairy dollar bills from Doucheland look like! :D
